Christmas Quotes, Christmas SMS, SMS, Christmas Wishes SMS

He who has no Christmas in his heart will never find Christmas under a tree.
Sunshine Magazine

Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart.
Washington Irving

From home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another. The warmth and joy of Christmas, brings us closer to each other.
Emily Matthews

Christmas, children, is not a date. It is a state of mind.
Mary Ellen Chase

If there is no joyous way to give a festive gift, give love away.

Bless us Lord, this Christmas, with quietness of mind; Teach us to be patient and always to be kind.
Helen Steiner Rice

Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.
Calvin Coolidge

A Christmas candle is a lovely thing; It makes no noise at all, But softly gives itself away; While quite unselfish, it grows small.
Eva K. Logue

Until one feels the spirit of Christmas, there is no Christmas. All else is outward display--so much tinsel and decorations. For it isn't the holly, it isn't the snow. It isn't the tree not the firelight's glow. It's the warmth that comes to the hearts of men when the Christmas spirit returns again.

Somehow, not only for Christmas, But all the long year through, The joy that you give to others, Is the joy that comes back to you. And the more you spend in blessing, The poor and lonely and sad, The more of your heart's possessing, Returns to you glad.
John Greenleaf Whittier

There is no ideal Christmas; only the one Christmas you decide to make as a reflection of your values, desires, affections, traditions.
Bill McKibben

Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.
Hamilton Wright Mabi

Perhaps the best Yuletide decoration is being wreathed in smiles.

Heap on the wood!-the wind is chill; But let it whistle as it will, We'll keep our Christmas merry still.
Sir Walter Scott

Let us remember that the Christmas heart is a giving heart, a wide open heart that thinks of others first.
George Mathhew Adams

Christmas may be a day of feasting, or of prayer, but always it will be a day of remembrance--a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved.
Augusta E. Rundel

It was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed, "God Bless Us, Every One!".
Charles Dickens