Christmas time is a time for love
Christmas is a time to love the ones you value most
your one and only
How much you truly love the one God gave you - you may notice only once you have lost him / her for a long time. The single most valuable on earth and in heaven is a true love partner sharing all with you eternally. Only on the basis of such true love between husband and wife can all children and neighbors grow up happily and free of stress and tension. To appeal to you to regain such true love relationship is the purpose of this Christmas message.
The only reason why we have Christmas is because we need to reconcile ! The beginning of all separation in God's creation started when male and female stopped to directly love and hence started to fight each other.
Rejected love and/or denied love create emotional stress, spiritual stress as well as physical stress resulting in more or less violence or tension and separation between those who actually have been made to love each other eternally.
Christmas time first of all is a time to reconcile with your own family. That includes in this below order a complete reconciliation with all.
Yourself and your own sexual rule as male man or female woman
reconciliation in true love with all members of the opposite gender
reconciliation with your own living partner - husband or wife - such reconciliation with your love starts IN your heart
reconciliation in love with all your children and parents, including your spiritual ancestors
reconciliation with all mankind, all religions, all all cultures, animals and nature
The more you are ready to accept full responsibility for all your action - the easier it will be to forgive all others and get in peace and finally in love with all others again.